Monday, August 21, 2006
Projecting in Maine
Katie, it's hella wicked dope you are coming. But the killing zombies part might be hard... we have no TV in Maine. Ok, you can stop laughing now, but seriously, we have to think of something in order to watch movies and play zombies... I am thinking we should bring the projector, and maybe find a boom box at my house for sound and for music. We brought a shite projector up last year, and borrowed a small slide show screen from my parents, and that worked pretty well. Another option would be to raid Tim's basement for that TV... assuming there is still one there. I don't really want to have to haul Tim's little TV all the way up... and some part of me thinks a week without any video games and movies might be good for me, but the other part of me remembers how awesome it was last year to play "Back to the future drinking" late at night.