Tuesday, September 12, 2006

THAT'S a euphemism

Am just checking in with the good ol' blog. Katie's group name etymology is interesting: whatever website that is that said Zeus "came upon" Leda in the form of a swan was being delicate. Or maybe "came upon" was meant literally. Either way, it was pretty embarrasing to see an original work of art from ancient Greece depicting this mythological sexual encounter while on vacation with my family, only to have Eddie Marritz point it out and take a close up picture of it. Honestly. This was what the Marritz family saw: http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_images/leda.jpg And don't forget the dirty Yeats poem detailing the same encounter: http://www.online-literature.com/yeats/865/ I think my name takes the embarrasment cake. (To mix metaphors.)

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