Friday, August 25, 2006

Travel Tips



Box Cutters



Ice Axes/Ice Picks



Knives - except for plastic or round bladed butter knives



Meat Cleavers



Razor-Type Blades - such as box cutters, utility knives, razor blades not in a cartridge, but excluding safety razors.






Scissors - metal with pointed tips and blades shorter than four inches






So just as a reminder, please dont bring your Ice Axe, Meat Cleaver, Saber, or Sword in your carry on luggage. Also on the same page: please don't bring your Spear Gun, Cattle Prod, Tear Gas or Grenades in your carry on luggage. However, a 7 inch wrench or screwdriver is ok. But don't even THINK of wearing your Dr. Scholls: Gel shoe inserts - Gel shoe inserts are not permitted, but shoes constructed with gel heels are allowed and must be removed and screened.

What did Iraq have to do with 9/11? Bush: Nothing

And other priceless moments from this, your moment of Stewart.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Improv Everywhere

Funniest Shit Ever.

One more and then I will STFU

After looking up these sizes of maps, I learned there is another game that will soon eclipse the previous one I mentioned in world size. It's an MMO called Dark and Light. At this point, is it even fun anymore? I mean, driving this map would take what... 4 or 5 hours? All I know is, I want to be the dark lord of Rhode Island.

How big is 250,000 acres?

Why do I ask you ask? Well then you didn't read my gaming post below. The answer: about 400 square miles, 20 miles/side. To give people an idea of just how BIG an area that is to fuck around in, here are some equivalent areas in the real world (they are slightly bigger, but close): That means it is possible, if you are on foot and had no vehicles, to have 8 hours of walking, or 3-4 hours of running. Driving: 20 minutes, assuming you obey the speed limit and are on a highway (unlikely). Still 10 minutes of driving if you can maintain a 120 miles/hr average... all to get from one point in the game to another.

Check your batteries...

Apple to recall 1.8 million Sony-made batteries - Engadget

Games, Games, and more Games

They looked to be playing 2fort5, one of the greatest TF maps ever. Unfortunately, none of the readers of this blog played much TF, but it was an amazing multiplayer game. Even though the tech of the game is getting pretty long in the tooth, I still fire it up every so often. This new version looks like it is going to kick a lot of ass. I just creamed my keyboard here at work watching this video. In other gaming news (so I don't have to post 2 game posts in a row) the Just Cause demo comes to Xbox Live and PC tomorrow. It's a war game that is also a sandbox type, but puts the focus on exploration (250,000 acres) and stunts, such as buggy riding, grappling hooking, and hang gliding. It drops at 9AM EST Friday, but somehow I want to get it on my Xbox before I go to Maine. Also, black DS's may be coming to the US next month. Booyarh.

What the Jesus

It is 9 inches wide.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Cook on your computer


Rant: F1 help system.

Having a help system in a MS Windows application (or any application) is critical. No matter how intuitive your software is, somone will not understand it. Additionally, some software is just too complex to access all of it's features without a help system. This is why, in most Windows applications you use, the F1 key brings up the help menu. Sometimes, this help is related to what you are doing... which is pretty cool, as the answer to your question is then usually just a click or two away. This is all well and good... in theory. In practice, however, the help system in MANY Microsoft apps is fundamentally flawed. The user smacks the F1 key, whether mistakenly or on purpose, and here is what they see. For the next 5+ minutes, the application that they were working in becomes unusable as this process does it's job. It's preposterous to think that the user WANTS to sit there waiting for this, especially when they are asking for a little help with the application. If you had asked the user, before pushing F1, if they wanted to waste the next 5 minutes staring at their computer screen before (possibly) being provided with their answer, I guarantee most would say no. The fact is, the help system isn't WORTH this hell. For some reason, MS didn't make this seemingly unnecssary task run in the background. If they had said "We are preparing your help system. It will be ready in a few minutes. You can continue working while this process goes on", it would have still been fairly unacceptable, but at least it wouldn't interrupt your work. Even worse is when a user presses the F1 key by mistake (as I did before taking this screen shot). It amazes me that there can be a key on the keyboard that, with a single press, can make your work stop for 5 minutes. It should be called the "Fuck Yourself" button... because it is essentially what it accomplishes.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Guitar Hero II Track Listing

Get ready to rock. November 7th.

OldSkewl HaX0R

NERD ALERT Anyone remember this shit?

Stupid kids ride subway all day

subwaydudes.jpg Riding the Entire Subway in Record Time (and Other Lessons in Defying Reality) - Gawker
While many in New York City show a casual interest in riding the subway, these two men will take it to another level, spending a steamy August day and night trapped in the sweltering subway, subsisting only on beef jerky and water, riding the rails until they have passed through every single station. It is unclear why two men would voluntarily submit themselves to such a harrowing ordeal; it probably has something to do with a need for attention or perhaps blunt head trauma sustained at a young age.

Great News about Iraq

CONFLICT IN IRAQ / 'We're not leaving, so long as I'm president,' emphatic Bush says
'We're not leaving, so long as I'm president,' emphatic Bush says
So... forget an exit date, Bush is planning on leaving the exit strategy for his war (started in 2003) for the next president (who will be elected in 2009). "If we withdraw before the job is done, the enemy will follow us here'' To make sure he made his point, Bush also said it would be "wrong,'' "a disaster,'' "a big mistake,'' a move that would "embolden extremists,'' "embolden Iran,'' "send a terrible signal,'' send "a wrong signal,'' "create a more dangerous world'' and threaten the United States.

The Main(e) Event

Alex Stancioff
Tim Conkling
Dave Norcott
Dave Argue
Katie Earle
Tim Messler
Chris Treat
Kai Rasmussen
Ilana Goldfarb
Brett Spigelman

This is looking to be one hell of a party. Nearly everyone on the list is confirmed as coming.

Girl Gamers: Sony's Solution

So Katie, you were talking about how girl gamers don't really want their devices pink and pretty, but instead to have social games that interest them. Sony is clearly listening to you, and have put up the following devices for your approval.

HyperLinks on HyperBacon

I'm not sure if people have noticed this, but you have to actually make something a link for it to be a link on blogger. You can't just paste in an http:// address and hope that it will work (like every other system in the world does. You have to do this.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Google is so helpful...

Did you mean to search for: hyperbaton 

Projecting in Maine

Katie, it's hella wicked dope you are coming. But the killing zombies part might be hard... we have no TV in Maine. Ok, you can stop laughing now, but seriously, we have to think of something in order to watch movies and play zombies... I am thinking we should bring the projector, and maybe find a boom box at my house for sound and for music. We brought a shite projector up last year, and borrowed a small slide show screen from my parents, and that worked pretty well. Another option would be to raid Tim's basement for that TV... assuming there is still one there. I don't really want to have to haul Tim's little TV all the way up... and some part of me thinks a week without any video games and movies might be good for me, but the other part of me remembers how awesome it was last year to play "Back to the future drinking" late at night.

Another good read about the War Crimes

A Free Pass on War Crimes?
If sexual degradation and humiliation is acceptable for Muslim prisoners, the inescapable consequence will be that such inhumanity is not a war crime if the prisoners are American. If this really is White House policy, it is singularly cavalier toward soldiers and their families.

Bush is a crook... and tries to redefine crook

In this Village Voice article they suggest that bush is preparing legislation that would essentially change the law regarding war crimes so that torture is not considered one. Not only that, but the language seems to indicate that it will be retroactive, nullifying any possibility that bush could be tried for war crimes for the prisoner abuse.

village voice > news > Liberty Beat by Nat Hentoff

I like to think more than feel

Your Personality type is ENTP

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ann Coulter vs Jon Stewart

Friday, August 18, 2006

Spielberg + Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto, left, legendary video game designer for Nintendo, known as the Spielberg of video games, having created Mario and the Legend of Zeld

Spielberg and Miyamoto, Mario and Zelda creator, play Wii together.

Bowls Of Bacon²: Hyperbacon

Hi, bob, how are things? this is my mongoloid son Randolph Dobson. he's a pathetic lump of shit with the mentality of a 3 year old... but, but but, i know what you're thinking...doctors say there's hope. while he is worthless in every capacity while alive, the doctors say that his liver is in great shape.... so..... i've been drinking a lot lately. Read the whole script of Bowls Of Bacon²: Hyperbacon

Encouraging Al-Quida Types

Ted Kennedy puts the smack down to Cheney.

Demeaning Democracy: Cheney Paints Lamont Victory As Helping Terrorists

This shit is out of control. We have "free" elections in this country, and after they occur the winner is essentially called out for helping terrorists... if he is not republican.

Democrats are not free of blame either. They refuse to fight dirty in the political arena. Unfortunately, we seem to live in a time when our country's voting populace is hugely influenced by the media... a media that the republicans not only control but who are much more likely to air the stink that the republicans dish out. Theface slaps that the democrats throw back as attacks on republican policy and in response to republican attacks are not enough to defend from the brutal, brass-knuckle pounding that the images of democrats get from republicans every election.

Stalk some celebs in New York

This is so awesome... Track celebs in near real-time.

Every Boy Deserves a Good Hazing


How republicans see The Times... (NSFW)

ideal%20ny%20times%20select.jpg Click for more

You have to save a baby seal... and make me look like Jesus

From The Washington Post: The wingman delivers the introduction, knowing that his job is to make his buddy look cool. Jentz points to Moniello. "He's been an author." Moniello grins. "I've written a few books." Books, plural? At age 22? "Hey, you only have a couple of minutes to make an impression," Moniello continues. "So if you have to save a baby seal from an oil spill in Alaska, you have to save a baby seal." Jentz picks up: "Sometimes you're a lawyer. You may only have taken one law class, but what the heck? It adds flavor, gets people excited." Moniello says his hometown wingman -- good wingman relationships never die -- is as adept as they come. "If I go to the bathroom, he'll make me look like Jesus. . . . The girl I'm after will say something like 'I hear he's a player' and he'll convince her I'm really in love with her." If the wingman is the least bit interested in the sidekick girl, he'll signal that to his partner-in-crime and include himself in the lie. "You can't assume that every girl with a wingman is ugly," Moniello says. "She may be very attractive. If she is, then me and Jay own all the Ben & Jerry's in the Northeast."

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


NSFW is important to some of us (not everyone has paid attention to it here)

NSFW stands for Not Safe for Work. It means that the item you are looking at really shouldn't be viewed from a cubicle.

I generally take this to mean that the item posted has a picture/video that is inappropriate for work. The most common reason for this is nudity, but it could also be because of gross topics. I would consider pure text to be safe for work, since it isn't really easy for someone to read as they pass by. Then again, if the post is titled "Donkey Cock Pictures" and it is in size 18 font, that could probably be constrewed as inappropriate as well, even if there are no Donkey Cocks in the post.

So to recap... if the post has something inappropriate in it (partial nudity is included), put a (NSFW) after the title. Then those of us who check the blog with RSS readers can wait until we get home to read it.

If you link to something, do this: (NSFW)

Ways to Blog (roundup)

There are many ways to blog to this blog
  1. Go to and login with the username and password you created. On the "dashboard", you should see hyperbacon. Just click the plus and you can add. Once a post is up, you can edit it right from, by clicking the pencil (if it is your post).
  2. Change your email settings in the hyperbacon settings page. This lets you make up a name to email to, like Anything you email to this, including pictures, will post to the blog.
  3. Text to It will text you back. Go to, put in the code that you got in the text back, and link "your mobile blog" to hyperbacon. Then every message you send to will be routed directly to hyperbacon.
  4. The best, that I have found, is the Performancing extension for firefox. In firefox: And click install now, confirm, and restart firefox. This will add a little notepad to the bottom of firefox. Click on that notepad, and sign into blogger, and that allows you to just right click anything in firefox and say "blog this item". It makes for really fast and easy posts, and doesn't take you away from the page that you are linking to. You can type right into the window to make the post.

Rethinking breastfeeding

So I was rethinking our conversation at the Stoned Crow about boyfriends/husbands breastfeeding from their girlfriends/wives. And I'm thinking more that it's not so weird to try once (or twice -- but not much more than that). I'm still kind of uncomfortable with the idea, but it seems less inappropriate now than it did that night. Just mulling. On another (nude) note: Where did Brett take that picture of himself with the guitar? Not sure if the use of "breast" in this post meant it qualified for the "NSFW" (Not safe for work? I forget the acronym already) or not, but I didn't think so.

Environmentally friendly snack

My work provides 1 free salty snack to it's employees... as many crackers as they want.

They provide us these crackers in helpful 2 packs. I don't know about you, but 2 Ritz (sorry, "HiHo") crackers is the EXACT amount I need to quell the hunger spell between lunch and dinner! Also, it's good that they keep them in these small packets, because I have heard that the mad cracker disease spreads very easily.

Interrogation Booths at Airports - Which Travelers Have 'Hostile Intent'? Biometric Device May Have the Answer The answer to all of airports' problems, these booths use biometric responses to questions to judge potential high fliers true plan. Ever think you would have to take a lie detector test before getting on a plane? Someday, this may be common... Of course, they should just implement my method of terrorist detection and prevention: install a Jack Bauer in each one of these booths. He is good at getting people to admit that they are terrorists... whether they are or not.

Eli Pariser

An interesting read about Ned Lamont's victory over Joe Lieberman. Eli Pariser is the head of, and was born and raised in Lincolnville, Maine. He was on the Colbert Report last week.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Keepin it classy

I took this a few weeks ago. We really should go down to see the museum before it closes (sometime in the fall, for a year).


Ok, so most of you have seen this, but it is sheer comedic genius. Make sure you stay for the end when the kid opens up the remote control car.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Beads, Breasts, and Business

At first I thought: OF COURSE! The more boobs the better! But then I realized that I look at this blog from work, and if someone saw that on my computer I would be fired faster than Mel Gibson. So the rule is, if you post it, put NSFW (Not safe for work) in the HEADING of the post (if the post itself contains a naughty picture/video). If it is just a link to something inappropriate, please put NSFW next to the link. Also, you should be able to imbed youtube videos right on the blog. Just copy and paste the "embed" code from youtube into blogger. I'll try it here with a hottt vid that Tim sent me of Trent Reznor from the 1980s.

Thursday, August 10, 2006 available!

Yes, that's right, for only $8.95/yr the domain name can be yours! Also, if you go to Settings:Email on blogger, you can make up an email address that lets you post by sending an email to Make sure you click the publish button, and every email you send to that address will show up on hyperbacon! I think you can attach an image for it to show up as well. Unfortunately, I can't do this because my work adds all that stuff about being proprietary info and confidential... annoying.

Jack Bauer meets Carmen Sandiego

Here is a "game" online that uses google maps to stop terrorists in their tracks! I like to pretend that after I catch the terrorist, I torture him until he tells me the truth.

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